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Overseas Ministries

Richmond Community Church is proud to support Missions locally and internationally, sending practical help where and when needed. Read on to discover more about some of the Missions our church is involved in.

Ross and Yvonne Ferguson have led several volunteer dental health teams to locations where dental care was either unavailable or unaffordable. Through these missions the Ferguson’s have traveled to Papua-New Guinea (Kapuna Hospital Gulf Province), Cambodia, Vietnam, Mozambique (Iris Ministries Maputo) and Fiji and Vanuatu (Marine Reach). Missions have also been regularly conducting to a unique clinic, Dental Volunteers for Israel Clinic in Jerusalem, which provides free dental care for Arab and Jewish children in need.

Many individuals and teams from the Richmond Community Church have traveled overseas in recent years providing general medical, dental and optometry care as well as helping with community development programmes, especially to isolated communities in the Pacific region in association with Marine Reach Ministries (YWAM International).

Building projects with Habitat for Humanity in Cambodia and Nepal

Cambodia working with youth from AGNZ ‘Love Cambodia’ Kampong Cham and other young people on short term trips to Cambodia and Myanmar.

Spending time in China working on food production projects in China and the adjacent countries of Central and North East Asia. These projects aim to help people in extremely cold climates to have the ability to cultivate vegetables and fish during winter in specially designed greenhouses. (Christian Friends for Korea and Crossroads Foundation)

Dental – Medical team of twelve travelled to Vanuatu with the Marine Reach ship Pacific Hope to provide Dental and Health care to remote villages.

Ministry team of three travelled to ‘His Heart Ministries’ in Baguio (Philippines) September – October 2017 Serving the very poor, to find the most desperate, the forgotten ones and those broken by hardship

Without exception, the comment from everyone who has had the opportunity to be a part of a cross-cultural missions team is that the experience has been life-changing and the benefit has been not only to those who have received the aid, but to the individual and also it has motivated others to ‘go and do likewise!’

Quote from one of our congregation who has been a part of at least fifteen short term overseas missions trips:

“People often ask me if short term mission outreaches can make a difference to people. In answer to this question, I would have to say yes most definitely. I have been involved with short term mission trips since 1989. Each trip never ceases to amaze me by what God is doing in my life, in the lives of the other team members and in the lives of the people we meet along this incredible journey.”

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